Electronic Tensiometers are used to monitor cable tension. The Dillon CLT - Clamp Line Tensiometer - in particular is used on static cables. It is offered in four capacities from 10,000 to 100,000 lbs. It has 2 mV/V full scale sensitivity. Its clamp-on design permits it to be easily installed at any convenient point on a fixed position line in a matter of minutes. The CLT utilizes two roller bearing outer sheaves and a fixed center clamping point attached to a Dillon load cell. The rope load applies a tension force to the load cell.
A wide variety of sheave or pulley
sizes (width and diameter) are available on the CLT. Correct pulley size is determined
by the size and makeup of the rope to be monitored by the tensiometer. Each tensiometer
is calibrated to a specific line size matched to the correct pulley size.